Mutiny Bikes - Albuquerque Trippin' Photo Gallery

When you're visiting a new city to ride, it seems as though without even trying the city will shine down it’s true colors in no time. Learning the area first hand and keeping in mind rumors you may or may not believe, to possibly get a sense of what to expect from this unknown terrain… Next thing you know, your right in the middle of some antics, which confirm or deny what you were thinking. Take Albuquerque for instance, it is a city full of rumors, which doesn't necessarily positively reinforce the good name of the most largely populated city in New Mexico. Never the less, it's all about personal experience, right? Well for this specific trip, the Mutiny team came through town for 10 days and definitely found out first hand what this place is all about! Dealing with the spring weather of wind and rain during the month of April, Mutiny found themselves in a classic episode of the critically acclaimed T.V. series, 'Breaking Bad', on any given street corner all over the city there is an abundance of homelessness, drug addicts and crazed individuals such as a certain motel owner trying to pick a fight with Navaz for being a simple 'tourist'..

How do you write an accurate story about a town you grew up in, about a bunch of guys who haven’t ever been to that particular city before, to portray their experience first hand? Well, it seems as my observations would be somewhat biased, so I thought to properly convey the whirlpool of an experience such as this Mutiny Trip in Albuquerque, I would look through the eyes of some of those who the trip impacted the most, the riders… Justin Simpson, Andy Martinez, Jeff Wescott, Mariano Santiago and Grant Castelluzzo.