"What Could Go Wrong?" Photo Gallery

When you get the opportunity to spend time with a group of riders like these on the road for weeks on end, you begin to feel like a part of their family in a way. Watching the team evolve together and witnessing their own individual growth as well, makes you appreciate the side of bike riding that may be forgotten by some, just having a good time riding with your friends. Working with these guys on'What Could Go Wrong?', the latest video from The Shadow Conspiracy, made me forget that I was on an assignment and reminded me why I got into BMX in the first place. With 100-plus premieres across the globe in just a three day weekend it’s fair to say this project has taken the BMX world by storm so take a look at the good times had over the 3 years of filming which created this epic DVD - through blood, sweat, tears, broken cameras and of course a few broken bones.

'What Could Go Wrong?' is available in select countries via iTunes and on DVD worldwide through any Shadow supported shop, mail order, and their online store.